Approaches to Life Writing, Fall 2013

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The Province of Children

by Carol Scott

In The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing we see great societal efforts both intellectual and coarse through the eyes of a child who is a functional tool in those efforts. Octavian is pure object, existing solely for the advancement of a greater good he has no voice in defining. Using Octavian’s perspective brings this nightmare world into the reader’s present moment.

TheOnesWhoWalkAwayFromOmelasAn earlier example of a society served by the suffering of a child is Ursula Le Guin’s 1973 short story, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, sourced here online from the San Diego State University. The brevity of Le Guin’s piece adds to its impact as the awareness and complicity of the citizens is revealed and justified. This is not life writing as we have defined it so far, but rather place writing. With no intention of trashing anyone’s holiday spirits, I highly recommend The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas. You will not be able to read it without reflecting on the hidden suffering that makes our standard of life possible.


The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas is also available in the collection The Wind’s Twelve Quarters.

Why? The Fictions of Life and Death – James Woods

by Jesse Allen

I came across this article and thought that it related to what we discuss in class about the nature of a life in readable form. Is there really a beginning, middle and end or is this a contrived convenience for a more unexplainable phenomenon?


Life Writing: The Sandford Meisner Technique

by Ryan Tofil

Sanford Meisner

Sanford Meisner

Link to the Matthew Corozine Studio in Times Square

As a teacher of the Sanford Meisner Technique, part of the process of studying the craft of acting requires the actor to write a personal monologue from one’s life.  The point of the exercise is to write something difficult to say that you wouldn’t tell just anyone.  The story must be true and from your point-of-view.  Within the exercise the actor can be as creative as they like, telling the story through different stages of their lives, as a letter, however they like, so long as the feelings and stories expressed are true.  One of the reasons for doing the exercise is to allow the actor to deliver a piece that requires no research or imagined emotional life.  The piece already has a built in point-of-view and feeling.  The actor’s job is to write the piece and then fully memorize and deliver the piece at least 3 different times to the class.  Traditionally in the Meisner Technique the activity is tackled at some point at the end of the actor’s first year of training.  At the studio I work, Matthew Corozine Studio in Times Square, Artistic Director Matthew Corozine has the actors do the assignment at the start of the training process. The purpose is to set the foundation for the actor that “acting” mostly requires no acting at all, and that the emphasis on good acting is being truthful and fully expressed.  The emotional life and experience the students face in the course will all be built from truth and reality.  Yet, even though the piece is true, the way in which they express their feelings may be different from how they may have actually expressed them in life, or if at all.  Sanford Meisner’s definition of acting is ” Acting is living and behaving truthfully and fully under imaginary circumstances.”  Though there are no imaginary circumstances in writing the personal monologue activity, the actor is encouraged to “fully express” and “give the piece away” by delivering the story to another person.  Throughout years of teaching this technique we have heard many amazing, sad, tragic, unbelievable, touching, heartbreaking stories—everything from feeling abandoned, to suicide attempts, abortion and rape.   The life writing technique opens actors to truly expressing personal and connected feeling to an audience.  Many of the monologues that the actors write go on to be developed into scenes and in some cases plays based on their experience.

Recommended Reading: Nancy K. Miller’s But Enough About Me: Why We Read Other People’s Lives

by Megan Feulner

Nancy K. Miller

Our last class raised provocative questions about life writing and its readers. Is the very act of reading relational? The conversation pointed to the ambiguous tensions that life narratives generate: what factors facilitate familiarity or distance between reader and text? What are the politics of making a story “easily” translatable to a general audience? How do various social locations shape or limit this? With this in mind I want to recommend Nancy K. Miller’s But Enough About Me: Why We Read Other People’s Lives, a classic text which addresses some of these issues as central to the genre of life writing itself.[1]

In the preface, Miller offers a blueprint for her book: part autobiographical account, part “collective memoir” of second-wave feminism, and part critical reflection on life narrative as writing and reading practice. She writes of the theoretical premise: “I explore two propositions: the first, that the subjects of life writing (memoir, diary, essay, confession) are as much others as ourselves; the second that reading the lives of other people with whom we do not identify has as much to tell us (if not more) about our lives as the lives which we do.”[2] Miller contends that life writing is not an isolated or self-centered practice, but instead hinges on a connection between reader and text. She states, “…the genre of memoir is not a terminal ‘moi-ism’ (as it’s been called), but, rather, a rendez-vous with others. Put another way, it takes two to perform an autobiographical act—in reading as in writing.”[3] Miller is challenging the popular criticism that the “memoir boom” simply grew out of our modern cultural preoccupation with narcissism and confessional spectacle. In contrast, she offers a more sustaining description of the genre: “Memoir is the most generous of modern genres. Indeed, the point of memoir—when it succeeds—is to keep alive the notion that experience is a form of art and that remembering is a guide to living.”[4]

Miller combines personal and critical writing to explore the unique way that contemporary memoir functions as “the record of an experience in search of community.”[5] At the outset she promises to recount sketches from her own life, yet the book is simultaneously “organized by a plot not about me.”[6] Her structure reveals the titular paradox: we seek out “other people’s lives” for what they reveal about our own. Memoirs do important cultural work because personal narratives are always implicated in a larger story or history. In this sense, autobiography or memoir can serve as a contact point between “individual and collective” stories, or the shared remembrances that constitute “the bigger picture of cultural memory.”[7] They can act as “a prosthesis or aid to memory” that prompts a reader to revisit her own past.[8]

Each chapter is an exercise in the collaborative potential of memoir. In the spirit of invitation, Miller asks: “What do my memories call up for you?”[9]The answer is, of course, dependent on the reader, clearly ambiguous, and often unexpected. Miller explores themes of female rebellion, generations, authority, nostalgia, aging, and more. Her model of “collective memoir” works to unhinge the idea that identity is fixed. She writes: “Are there models of relation that escape those of hierarchy or aggression between ego and others? Yes. But they require a constant reminder of reciprocal dependency, the porousness and vulnerability of personal boundaries.”[10] Miller poses integral questions about the process of reading another’s story against our own. What are the points when a cultural moment becomes “my story too”?[11] Why is “reconstructing” the past always a limited project? How does the “autobiographical act” reveal the instability of self/other boundaries?[12] For Miller, the unpredictable exchanges that life narratives explicitly invite is the most salient feature of the genre. Her book makes this connective quality tangible.


[1] Miller, Nancy K. But Enough About Me: Why We Read Other People’s Lives. (New York: Columbia University Press, 2002).

[2] Ibid., xv.

[3] Ibid., 2.

[4] Ibid., 14.

[5] Ibid., 14.

[6] Ibid., xv.

[7] Ibid., xv.

[8] Ibid., 14.

[9] Ibid., xvi.

[10] Ibid., 125.

[11] Ibid., 55.

[12] Ibid., 125.

Plath in Pop Culture

by Olivia-Beate Franzini

16 Pandas who Understand Sylvia Plath

The Broadway Play- Wish I Had a Sylvia Plath

 The Modern Tattoo Craze-The Bell Jar 

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In Art

Carly Lappas ’13 “The Bell Jar” Photograph and Mixed Media

Screen Shot 2013-11-29 at 4.22.03 PM







Appearance in the Simpsons-High Culture Meets Low Culture








The Movie-Sylvia 


Discussion Questions for The Bell Jar

by Olivia-Beate Franzini


  • The Bell Jar has sold over two million copies in the United States and has been titled the Catcher in the Rye of its time, an archetypal novel on personal experience. However, do you agree with Frances McCullough that it may have never achieved such success throughout the world had Plath not committed suicide? Or is it the subject matter alone that gives it its appeal?
  • Throughout our studies in this course we have discussed the topic of truth and the blurring of lines between fiction and non-fiction. Sylvia Plath herself regarded the text as an “autobiographical apprenctiwork, or a confession, which she told A. Alverz she needed to write in order to free herself from her past. How much does our fixation on truth shape our reading of the text? Does it matter at all?
  • The Bell Jar is often labeled as a feminist text, what aspects of it make it a feminist text and what universalities does Plath present? Besides being classified as a feminist text, it is also one that is sometimes labeled a text about mental illness. Do you find this label to be accurate? Is the novel really about mental illness as much as it is about the effect of society’s expectation of women?
  • Despite the popularity of The Bell Jar and the way it speaks to human nature and the feeling of femal entrapment, critics have often titled it a “flawed first novel.” Do you think these claims can be justified?
  • Being that the novel parallels quite closely with the concept of scriptotherapy, therapeutic writing to facilitate a resolution to distress from trauma, what did Plath gain by leaving the ending ambiguous and up in the air for Esther? How could the novel’s ending be symbolic for Plath?



Suggested reading to go along with Sylvia Plath’s “The Bell Jar”

by Nikola Durkovic

Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason

by Michel Foucault


Foucault shows the historical and cultural developments that lead to “that other form of madness, by which men, in an act of sovereign reason, confine their neighbors”, challenging the optimism of William Tuke and Phillipe Pinel’s “liberation” of the mad and problematizing the genesis of psychiatry, a “monologue of reason about madness”. Central to this is the notion of confinement as a meaningful exercise. Foucault’s history explains how the mad came first to be confined; how they became identified as confined due to moral and economic factors that determined those who ought to be confined; how they became perceived as dangerous through their confinement, partly by way of atavistic identification with the lepers whose place they had come to occupy; how they were “liberated” by Pinel and Tuke, but in their liberation remained confined, both physically in asylums and in the designation of being mad; and how this confinement subsequently became enacted in the figure of the psychiatrist, whose practice is “a certain moral tactic contemporary with the end of the eighteenth century, preserved in the rites of the asylum life, and overlaid by the myths of positivism.” Science and medicine, notably, come in at the later stages, as practices “elaborated once this division” between the mad and the sane has been made.



Discussion questions for Sylvia Plath’s “The Bell Jar”

by Nikola Durkovic

1. Is “The Bell Jar” a novel? Why?

2. Is Plath’s portrayal of mental illness convincing?

3. How does our knowledge that the author eventually killed herself affect our reading of the book?

4. What does the book tell us about the historical era in the USA and its dominant world view, values?

5. Is there a connection between Plath’s “The Bell Jar” and Salinger’s “Catcher in the Rye”?


“Revolutionary Voices”, Revolutionary Anthologies: A Final Paper Reflection

by Jenn Polish

A book cover with the text ""Revolutionary Voices" edited by Amy Sonnie" featured amidst 14 portrait photos of queer youth, all with a colorful, see-through circle over their faces. The photo-space on the bottom right is blank, with a curtain-like sheet featured: perhaps it is the space for the reader's picture to go.

Some of the most powerful writing I’ve ever read and art I’ve ever seen is housed in the books Revolutionary Voices: A Multicultural Queer Youth Anthology, edited by Amy Sonnie (2000). I began reading this text for my final paper with my femmey ‘I work with queer youth and that’s why I’m reading this’ hat. I’m working (successfully) right now to spread gender-neutral restrooms across Queens College (my undergrad home) and create a Queer Resource Center there: I am very much in the queer communities at QC, but as something of a friendly elder who has graduated and remains to work with youth to create things that need to be created. I came out almost nine years ago, and I graduated almost three years ago (not long, I know, but it seems like a long time in terms of where I am as compared to where I was). So, again, I came to this anthology and to this final paper idea of analyzing queer youth life writing as someone somehow connected to, but distanced from, queer youth.

The overwhelming emotional value that I got from journeying through this book, however, is that I am still, unabashedly and proudly, a queer youth myself. I never thought I wasn’t young, I just… I suppose I came to it thinking I could read it in a somewhat detached manner. I couldn’t. I could have written for that anthology, and I found myself taking lots of time I don’t have to write many fluid, narrative responses of my own (poetry, snapshots of life writing) as my way of interacting fully with the text. For me, that means that the text accomplished its goal: another queer youth finding herself in the veins of its pages. Hooray!

Hooray indeed. But I still need to analyze this thing for my paper. I’m thinking of two interconnected ideas. I’m thinking of affect theory, scriptotherapy, and how deeply emotions guide the creation (and reading) of anthologies like these. Rage and abandonment and fierce, fierce pride and bravery drench the pieces in this book. It is truly a work of relational life writing, because the art works featured in the book have their own breath and enter the readers’ lungs too intimately to be about some Other. It is a work of creating selfhood. (That’s my reading, anyway: I don’t know how people with different experiences than me might read it.)

And I find myself wondering about this selfhood, which really brings me to an academic core of what I think I will write about. What selfhood is created within the parameters of an anthology? What is denied, what is forgotten? Amy Sonnie was very intentional about getting a diverse range of young authors to write and submit art for this anthology. She noted apologetically in the beginning of the work the underrepresentation of transgender, intersex, and genderqueer people in the book. From my first read-through, I’m pretty sure there were more youth of color writing for the book than there were white kids, which I was thrilled about: in a culture where whiteness dominantly defines queerness, this is amazing, and it was intentional in a book that offers some of the most powerful critiques of the capitalist, white supremacist status quo I’ve ever encountered. Yet there was only one artist who wrote about experiences with physical disability, for example. Physical disability didn’t, in this anthology, figure as a crucial marker of “multiculturalism” that the title claims. Only one out sex worker was featured in the book, as another example. These shortcomings were not, like some other identities, apologized for in the introduction. What does that mean?

Further, though a few of the authors noted the desire to get married, the (beautifully) radical stance of the book did not give a home to conservative queers. On one level, I am absolutely fine with that. On another level, I wonder what that means for anthologies. How do anthologies serve as powerful political manifestos of underrepresented and radical views and lives? But does that ‘type’ these works, so that only people who are predisposed to radicalism read them? Is that a price worth paying (capitalist pun intended)? Would a conservative, middle class, white, cis, able-bodied gay man read this book? Do we even want him to? Is it more important to share ourselves with each other, or with “the world”? Both? If both, do radical-only anthologies serve us or hurt us? How do ideas about a work’s affect influence how we think (and, importantly, feel) about this? Would a text feel different, and therefore be less impactful, if such overwhelmingly beautiful, radical works were on pages directly opposite also beautiful, but less radical and therefore perhaps more exclusionary, works? (But this book was exclusionary, for the most part, of physical disability and sex work, so…)

These questions, for me, evoke questions of deep emotion behind the academic and highly political work of canon formation. Where is this book situated in the canon formation that anthologies often take part in? How do the politics of canon formation impact such works? Can there be a ‘radical canon’, or is the idea of canonization antithetical to revolutionary queerness? How does this work fit as a postcolonial text, a work of postcolonial canon?

In short, I am interested in questions of what anthologies do to transform submitted texts and to a readers’ experiences with these texts. I’m excited to start the journey of trying to figure things out, and I am content with the idea that I will probably open up more questions than I ultimately answer.

by Ryan Tofil

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